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Oceana is mobilising the global marine insurance industry to take action against IUU fishing.
Oceana engages in open dialogue with insurers, working with them to develop new procedural standards to follow when conducting business with fishing companies, and vessel owners and operators.
Oceana has contributed to the development of a practical guide for financial institutions to lead a sustainable ocean recovery. Designed for banks, insurers and investors, the guidance outlines how to avoid and mitigate environmental and social risks and impacts, including those relating to IUU fishing.
Oceana is mobilising companies that do business with the global fishing industry to take action against IUU fishing.
Oceana has contributed to the FAO world review with information on the role of the insurance industry in combating IUU fishing and the UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) initiative. As well as recommendations on risk-management procedures on how insurers can control or mitigate the risk of insuring vessels and companies associated with IUU fishing.
Join the insurance industry’s statement against IUU fishing